Yay, It's Pink wednesday!!

I really love having a day of the week pre-planned color wise! For today's mani, I wanted to try some more layering. So I first started with Nicole by OPI  You're An Angel.  The shimmer in this is so amazing, and NOT hidden at all. I did 3 coat.  I then added Pure Ice Rio and using my Mash plate M64 & Pure Ice Silver Mercedes, I did this design :)

Colorful Nails Stripes!

How To : - get yourself some striping tape. eBay sells rolls of 10 for about $3. - paint whichever colors you want to show through the stripes, it can be one color or various. Let dry very well. - lay down your striping tape. You can create lines in whichever direction you want. - apply your second color all over the nail, make sure it's an opaque one coater. - immediately remove your striping tape whilst the polish is still wet. - Apply your top coat and you're done!

The Floral Mani Art Tutorial

How To : - Take your dotting tool, dip it into the color of your choice and create small little blobs of paint. These will be the base of your flowers. - Take your striping brush and carefully paint an inside circle of each flower a darker shade. Let dry. - Dot small black circles in the middle of each flower. - Add leaves to each flower. Let dry, then complete with a top coat. And you're done!